The Hormones Made Me Do It {Second Trimester}

I was going to start this by saying the second trimester was my favorite part of pregnancy—but I guess that’d be a lie. I know it’s annoying, but I loved pregnancy between 17 weeks through about 38 weeks.

Like I mentioned in last week’s post, I can’t complain about weeks 1-17. But the reason I wouldn’t consider it a part of the pregnancy that I loved is because all of the worrying that came with it! For the second trimester, I was just generally a worrying pregnant lady. The good far outweighed anything else…

hampton-roads-maternity-photo_0724The Good

  • At 17 weeks exactly I felt my first definite kick and he didn’t stop! Hello breath of fresh air! No more wondering if there’s really something in there…yep that’s him punching my bladder! So weird but so cool!
  • I stopped feeling/looking like I was constantly full of gas and instead actually started growing a baby bump. (That terrible bloated feeling should’ve made it to my 1st trimester bad section!)
  • We got to SEE the baby! Last ultrasound he was still a seedling. This time, a human being! I mean duh. But my mind was blown! Already 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes moving around in there. And our ultrasound tech was the bomb and emailed us a ridiculous number of pictures along with some great videos! Him treating me like a punching bag is basically what I had imagined he was doing.
  • We found out the gender! I loved knowing we were expecting a boy. It just made things all the more real!
  • Eventually Calvin started being able to see and feel the baby move. Getting to finally see Calvin experience the awesomeness of feeling our baby practicing karate was amazing. I finally felt like I kinda wasn’t the only one able to feel all the excitement of being pregnant.
  • I had a baby bump that wasn’t confused with a beer gut. With this came the friendliest strangers I’ve ever met. People love pregnant women. But it was still the perfect size that didn’t elicit questions about popping.
  • Working out was still comfortable! Spin was the first workout to go…baby sitting on bladder, knees hitting tummy every second…it was not a good combination.
  • People apparently love pregnant women. In general, strangers were just so much kinder than usual.

Now for the ultrasound…I swore I wouldn’t be one of those girls that posted my obscure ultrasound that was barely recognizable…but here I am. Connor punching me in the womb.

The Bad

  • I meann, I was definitely getting bigger.
  • Lots of strangers wanted to talk. Half of Hampton Roads now knows my due date.
  • Eating automatically means it’s because baby wants it. Not kidding, as soon as I walked into Five Guys one day, the cashier clapped for me and announced to the entire restaurant that “we got a five guys baby in the house!!!” Along with lots of applause from her. I was too embarrassed to look up but I’m guessing people were mortified for me. Can a pregnant girl just eat a double cheeseburger without it being news?!

Moral of the story—second trimester was basically awesome. The few ‘bad’ things just made for good stories.


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