The Hormones Made Me Do It {The First Trimester}

The first trimester—it was exciting and scary all at the same time. I was extremely lucky to have an uneventful first trimester, no morning sickness, no crazy cravings, nothing. If that makes you mad, just check back in a few weeks. ;| So, no morning sickness—that was cool. But it kinda made me crazy. I kept questioning whether it was all real or not?!

Chesapeake maternity photos

The Good: 

  • I mean, we’re pregnant. That’s awesome! Like, it really worked?!
  • Getting to hear and (kinda) see the heartbeat and the baby.
  • Sharing the news with family and close friends. Surprises are awesome.
  • Maternity jeans. Jeans without zippers and buttons?! YES! Plus, being pregnant is like a free pass to rock leggings daily. (Although, I didn’t need a baby for that!)

hampton-roads-maternity-photo_0722The Scary:

  • Wait, this is too good to be true. Something’s probably wrong. Let me take 10 more pregnancy tests. I think I need a doppler to make sure he’s doing well in there. Just make it to 14 weeks, just make it to 14 weeks…
  • Are you sure that’s a baby in there? That little speck? That thing’s gotta be fragile, commence googling safety measures for first trimester.
  • Every other day=something’s wrong. I might need to call the doctor. Is this normal?
  • Sharing news with friends and family. We didn’t tell anyone we were thinking about trying, I actually acted like I was totally against it—so if it happened it’d be a big surprise and if it didn’t, we wouldn’t be questioned every month. Well, it was a big surprise and that made it scary in some cases.

hampton-roads-maternity-photo_0723The Bad:

  • Less energy, less bladder space. Even worse, attempting to see all the sites in NYC. (A lot of walking, a lot of water, and few public restrooms. Ugh..)
  • Yankees baseball game, and no drinking. (Barely even a sacrifice worth mentioning, but if there was one time my entire pregnancy I thought, “Damn, I’d like a beer.” it was this moment.)
  • Maternity clothes. There’s literally one store in Hampton Roads that has a full selection of maternity clothes. Then the handful of other stores that carry it consist of approximately 2 racks which can likely be found in the dark corner of the store. Besides the comfort of maternity pants/jeans…maternity clothes sucked.

The first trimester was cool and all, but the second trimester was even cooler. In fact, I might not even be able to include a ‘bad’ section. If this post hasn’t been the biggest bore of your life, maybe you’ll come back next week to read about my second trimester!? 😀


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