The BEST Drying Drops For Nails

I’ve always had a little obsession with nail polish…like most girls…everytime I’m at the store (especially Ulta and Sephora) I have to check out the newest colors! Of course, I get sucked in and find a color I just HAVE to have…..even though I probably have three more at home that are barely a shade different. 🙂 Yet, with a stock full of polish, I was barely ever painting my nails! It feels like I’m always on the go and doing my nails required at least an hour of just sitting and waiting for the paint to dry enough that I could be productive without fear of ruining the last half hour I spent trying to apply the polish just perfectly.

Toasted Almond Covergirl Outlast

Finally, I came across Essie’s Quick-E Drying Drops. Ah-mazing!  I’ve tried close to a gazillion different quick drying top coats, but none are quite quick enough for me on their own. My favorite so far as been the Sally Hansen Insta-Dry, which I still use with the drying drops…so I’m sure that helps speed up the process as well! When used together, I can go on about my day within about 10 minutes of painting my nails.

The drying drops literally make your nails dry to the touch almost instantly! Naturally, they’ll still need some time to cure, but this makes it so I can stick my hand into my purse for my keys or go put away the dishes without fear of smudging the polish. After about 10 minutes, you can do just about anything. I think in the month I’ve had this stuff, I’ve already painted my nails a handful of times..I LOVE it!

So basically, if you’re looking for one of the fastest ways to dry your nail polish, this is it!

P.S. how awkward is that hand photo?! so weird…but I wanted to show off the color for anyone who may be interested! I absolutely love this neutral color and affordable brand! I usually use Essie or OPI, but so far this brand seems to be just as good! I’ve had this polish on for going on 5 days now and I’ve only had one tiny chip, and that was because I was trying to peel a sticker off something! 🙂 The last Essie polish I did started chipping after 3 days. :/

Here are links to all of the products above:
Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant in Toasted Almond
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri
Essie Quick-E Drying Drops

If there are any products you love, please let me know! I’m always looking for something new to try! 🙂 …Sorry Calvin 😉


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