Since starting this business five years ago, I’ve focused on wedding and boudoir photography. I immediately became passionate about capturing women in a way that makes them feel beautiful, whether that be on their wedding day or during their intimate session.
So why maternity and motherhood photography?
With my passion for capturing women, I’m honestly surprised it didn’t happen sooner. But if you’ve followed along my personal life, you know I had a baby boy in November 2015. My journey into motherhood has lit a fire inside me, made me so passionate about motherhood in general, and helping others to document and tell their stories.
Seeing this maternity session come together with the wedding and boudoir sets at my branded shoot, made me realize how perfectly motherhood photography fits into my business. It was my missing piece.
We all have these incredible stories of becoming mothers, yet in the total haze that’s the craziness of it, the details are forgotten.
Everyone warns you how quickly it all goes by, but nothing could’ve truly prepared me for each passing week that felt like a blink of an eye and brought a seemingly new baby with each one. As my maternity leave ran out and I prepared to return to my corporate job, it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. I’ll always cherish those sweet few months that my baby and I bonded and learned how to do this new life together.
(Of course my ‘why’ wouldn’t be complete without a few photos from my own journey.)
Those first three months of motherhood are crazy, messy, sleepless, emotional…and amazing.
It certainly doesn’t feel like the time for photos—but as I saw my own maternity leave vanish, with barely any photos to document it….I realized…I NEED to encourage and help other mothers document these fleeting moments. This is my why—I want nothing more than to help other mothers capture the beauty in these moments, that may feel messy at the time, to remember forever.
In the moment, we see the baby weight, the week old hair because showers are impossible, the dark circles….but soon enough, you’ll look back and see the sweet newborn snuggles of a kid that’ll barely sit for a minute, when there wasn’t a care in the world except bonding instead of the hustle to keep up with a career and activity schedules, when your life was forever changed…
They’re the most beautiful memories, no matter how messy. I hope by launching The Motherhood Collection, I’ll be able to tell the story of so many other women’s journeys into motherhood.
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