51 Days of Goals

In 51 days…less than 2 months…I’ll be getting marrrieeeddd! To say I’m excited would be a terrible understatement, but I’m also nervous and stressed because I have no idea how I’m going to fit in everything I need to get done in the next 2 months!!

I have so much left to do for the wedding, plus photography is keeping me busy (which is VERY exciting! and I’m so thankful for that!), so I thought it was time to sit down and write out what my goals are for the next two months. I have so many things that I’d like to do, but I’m quickly realizing, I can’t do it all!

While I was writing the list of things that I’d like to complete by the wedding, I realized a few things:

1. I literally only have room on my schedule for 3 more sessions before I take off for the wedding!

2. Due to a trip for work, I’ll be out of town the entire 3rd week of May.  Yep…a week before our wedding. I’m sure I’ll be in a panic by then, so the week away might actually be a good thing! 🙂

3. Because of this trip and family and friends starting to come into town…I’ll be unavailable for sessions from May 20th through June 21st!

4. I’ll have the Monday before our wedding off from my full time job thanks to Memorial Day!! Woo hooo! In fantasy world, I’ll be completely done with all wedding tasks and will be able to spend that entire day at the beach!! …THAT’S motivation to get things done!

But anyway, on to my goals! Hopefully on my last post before I’m off to become a married woman, I’ll be able to report that I’ve completed each of these!


Personal Goals:

-Stay committed to my love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels! Complete the 30 day shred and most of the Ripped in 30.

-Run 5 miles per week. [I know, this is laughable to you runners out there, but this will be an achievement for me!]

-Make a realistic wedding to-do list for April, May, and the week of the wedding. (maybe I’ll share that list in another post…)

-Schedule 1 task for each day, so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming!

-Practice my landscape photography and work on my video skills so I can put them to work on our honeymoon!


Business Goals:

-Get published!

-Complete a bridal and beauty stylized shoot.  (This is actually in the works right now!)

-Upgrade my equipment.

-Organize 1 more boudoir marathon before the wedding.

-Blog 3x per week until the wedding and have at least 2 per week scheduled for when I’m gone!

Looking at this list is so scary and chances are, I’ve planned for way too much.  But I’m determined to make this all happen!


And here’s another sneak peak of a recent shoot I did….the rest will be on the blog Monday! 🙂

Cherry Blossom bridals by Stephanie Judd Photography


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